Pure DC power and the New Year.

Hi Everyone,

As we close out the year, I wanted to close out with a few thoughts…

Ideas come and go only to be replaced with new, bigger, better tech, cheaper tech. Ideas get copied and ideas get replaced.  This ultimately means change. Change sometimes can be a struggle. It means coming up with new ideas that are wanted by enough of us.  For those of you who know us, we seldom redo what other’s have done (like selling batteries for cell phones).  Doing what’s in our DNA is a prerequisite for us.  If our heart is not in it, we won’t do it.  We are not into doing things half measure and so disappointing people. We do things with our whole heart or not at all.

In the new year, we hope to introduce new product categories. One of them we are looking at is the Apple HomePod, and the other… well… we’ll just leave it as a surprise.
Our goal will continue to be efficiently squeezing out every ounce of power so you can keep your devices running longer on pure DC power.  We will continue to pursue looking for ways to prevent inversion of power (the use of inverters) which in itself is a huge waste of energy, especially for those who are mobile and need every ounce of energy to keep their devices going. So look forward to some fresh new concepts and Tech from us in 2018.

Finally, I wanted to thank you for your support and all your kind emails.  It is the “power” that keeps us going!  It is great to know that we have helped even just one more individual get more work done!

I wish each and all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Stay powered up!


☎️ For more information and inquiries:

🌐 Website: https://mikegyver.com
📕 Blog: https://mikegyver.com/blog
✉️ Email: [email protected]

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