
The Main Tasks of NASA’s PERSEVERANCE Rover.

A lot of astronomy lovers are still celebrating and cheering for joy for the historical landing on Mars of NASA’s Perseverance Rover which was launched on July 30, 2020, and landed on February 18, 2021, for NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission. The Perseverance rover’s nickname is “Percy.” It is a six-wheeled robotic vehicle and has a …

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How Stuff Works

How Solar Power Works?

Last time we talked about Wind Energy, this time, we’ll talk about solar power.  Solar Power or Solar Energy – is an energy that comes from the sun and converts it into electricity.  It is one of the most in-demand types of power sources in the world because its price and size are reachable and …

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How Stuff Works

Why inverters are a waste of energy?

Inverters vs. Direct Current. Power Inverters make life easier by allowing you to plug-in your low-powered devices into your car for example. However as we’ll explain below, your car is not the same type of power that your home uses. So while convenient, you are sacrificing convenience for energy inefficiency, lower run time, and safety. …

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How Stuff Works

How Wind Energy Works?

Power (electrical energy) is important to people’s daily lives. You cannot deny how precious, useful, and convenient it is for business, education, health, experimentation, and a lot more. That is why mikegyver.com is eager to share some ideas on where power sources are from.  To start this series, let us take a look at how …

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How Stuff Works

How regenerative braking works?

In our prior post, we talked about perpetual energy, this time we’ll talk about a related form of that. Regenerative braking. But before we start let us understand some keywords/key terms that shall be used in this explanation. KEYWORDS/KEY TERMS: Kinetic Energy – a form of energy that it possesses due to its motion. It …

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Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

Hello Everyone, This week I was surfing online looking for Christmas card design ideas, and it was interesting to see that everything centered around Covid. There are Covid Christmas ornaments, Masks on Santa Claus depictions, and funniest of all Toilet paper Christmas trees (in the US, everyone hoarded toilet paper). In a way, that just …

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