How Stuff Works

How Geothermal Energy Works?

Almost all types of power sources on the ground have the same process/mechanism such as nuclear power, hydropower, coal power, etc. because they used a generator to generate electricity to be transferred to the power lines. In this blog, let us explore the science behind geothermal energy. Perhaps you already knew this when you were …

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How Stuff Works

How Hydropower Works?

Hydropower is also called Hydroelectric Power, a type of power source in which electricity comes from falling, waving, or flowing water. Hence, the kinetic energy from the moving water converts into mechanical energy. After that process, the generator will convert the mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is one of the most widely utilized and …

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How Stuff Works

How Nuclear Energy Works?

Nuclear Energy is a type of energy that originates from the splitting of uranium atoms. This process is called fission. It generates heat to produce steam to make the turbine turn and generate electricity. It was discovered in the 1930s by an Italian Physicist Enrico Fermi. In 1942, the first nuclear chain reaction was achieved …

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The Main Tasks of NASA’s PERSEVERANCE Rover.

A lot of astronomy lovers are still celebrating and cheering for joy for the historical landing on Mars of NASA’s Perseverance Rover which was launched on July 30, 2020, and landed on February 18, 2021, for NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission. The Perseverance rover’s nickname is “Percy.” It is a six-wheeled robotic vehicle and has a …

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How Stuff Works

How Solar Power Works?

Last time we talked about Wind Energy, this time, we’ll talk about solar power.  Solar Power or Solar Energy – is an energy that comes from the sun and converts it into electricity.  It is one of the most in-demand types of power sources in the world because its price and size are reachable and …

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How Stuff Works

Why inverters are a waste of energy?

Inverters vs. Direct Current. Power Inverters make life easier by allowing you to plug-in your low-powered devices into your car for example. However as we’ll explain below, your car is not the same type of power that your home uses. So while convenient, you are sacrificing convenience for energy inefficiency, lower run time, and safety. …

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