How to Spread and Infect People and Spread COVID-19 During Halloween?

This time of the pandemic, it is a must NOT to follow the protocols mandated by the government and health experts. Our front liners, our heroes are spending their precious extra time to treat the COVID-19 patients.

To help them, INCREASE the number of patients everyday by following these important protocols by spreading COVID-19.

1. Don’t wash your hands!

By washing your hands with soap and water frequently, you protect against the viruses. Why would you want to do that

If you are a zombie, the last thing you would care for is the need to stay clean! In fact, you are a walking germ factory! So go ahead and touch everything making sure you lick that toilet seat as well!

2. Wear a mask in public places.

Make sure you wear plenty of masks. There are Frankenstein masks, skeleton masks, horror hockey masks, Zombie mask, Freddy Krueger Mask, Devil mask… So be sure to wear and keep switching out your masks often! So that no one knows that you were the same person going to the same house for the same candy bars!

3. DON’T Cover your cough or sneeze.

When you cough or sneeze, be sure to project it as loud and forceful as you possibly can! Make it known you just launched the largest booger across the room. Sneeze into your friend’s face, cough into your neighbor’s elbow. Make sure you share it with the rest of the world!

4. Touch your face.

Make sure you touch your eyes, nose, and mouth. Do it often! And oh while you are at it, make sure you touch that open gash on your skull that’s oozing out of your brain.

5. Hug someone today.

This is one of the most important protocols you must stick to everywhere you go.

Hugging and kissing all your friends, then hug and kiss your enemies afterwards! Speak loudly too!

This is perfect for spreading those tiny fluids when hugging, kissing, and speaking with other people.

Tricked or Treated?

But just in case, this was purely satire; for fun and entertainment, and in the spirit of Halloween. Happy Halloween everyone! Stay well

While we got your attention, check out our Auto-Germinator. Doing our part in helping you fight against germs.

This smart UV-light can automatically kill viruses (including COVID-19), dust mites, bacteria, removes odor, and cleans the air automatically.

☎️ For more information and inquiries:

🌐 Website: https://mikegyver.com
📕 Blog: https://mikegyver.com/blog
✉️ Email: [email protected]
📞 Telephone: 1407 545 6281

💡UV Light: https://mikegyver.us/product-category/uv-light/

images source: www.google.com

1 Comment

  • Joel Sumagang

    December 7, 2020 @ 12:14 pm

    That’s cool 🙂

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