IDEA: Is Perpetual Motion Possible?

A perpetual motion machine is a machine that continues to do work perpetually by turning or moving without any energy source (unless you count gravity). This machine’s motion continues forever unless you stop or break the motion. It is called perpetual motion because the motion never stops and it keeps turning around perpetually. 

It sounds unbelievable but it is true. This is what we are going to show you and help you on how to do it by yourself. 

For all the Science or Physics lovers out there, pretty sure you’d loved to share this. 

This amazing idea is not just only fun, but can it provide energy that can power a small LED bulb if you connect a motor on the wheel?   Soon (as soon as we can) we will show you how this works, but for now we will focus on the possibility of perpetual motion. 

Materials needed: 

Bicycle wheel and 2 supporting axles
10 empty water bottles (should be the same size)
3 plank of wood. (1 – 1 ft; 2 – 1 ft) or 2 Metal pieces. ( 1 – 2 ft; 1 – 1 ft)
Strings/Cable ties

Here are the amazing steps on how perpetual motion be possible. 

1. Place the 2 one-ft. woods on each side of the bicycle wheel and lock them. For the base, just put the 1 ft wood (this should be heavy so that it can handle the weight of the wheels, water, and empty water bottles). You can also use a metal that measures 2ft long and 2 in. width and bury it on the ground. 

2. Put water inside the bottles at least half full.  You can also put some food coloring in the water so you can see it better. 

3. Attach the water bottles on the wheel and lock them using the strings or cable ties. 

4. Spin the wheel. Enjoy the perpetual motion! 🙂 

The output of this perpetual-motion machine should look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50Aag0J0Qe4 

Now that you know how to make a perpetual motion machine, wouldn’t it be a great to share this fascinating invention with your kids, friends, or students for educational purposes?   

How do you think it works?  

Do you think a perpetual motion machine can power a LED bulb?  Or more?  What do you think? 

Leave your comments below!   

☎️ For more information and inquiries:

🌐 Website: www.mikegyver.com
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▶️ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0QlBR1c1pjEI3O_kcKfb8w

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